How to care for your boots
Leather Care:
Taking the time to periodically clean boots adds years to their life. And contrary to popular belief, the steps involved are simple enough for anyone to perform.
Step 1: After every use wipe them off.
You can use an old towel, a damp rag, even your socks. The important thing is to make sure you remove the dust and dirt that may have accumulated during your days riding. Dust and dirt particles are leather’s biggest enemies. They work into the folds, eventually causing abrasion and cracking.
Step 2: Allow the boots 24 hours to dry out before wearing them again.
Moisture from your feet settles in the boot, and without time to dry, residual bacteria will stain the leather. A good practice is to rotate your boots, never wearing the same pair two days in a row. (Never dry your boots with heat. It causes the leather to dry out and crack.)
Step 3: Periodically clean, polish, and condition your boots.
Leather, just like your skin, dries out. By conditioning your boots, you lubricate the fibers and add to their life. Other ways you can add years to the life of your boots while retaining their original good looks is to use boot trees. Use an eraser to remove scuff marks, and clean the welts and seams with an old toothbrush.
Important boot fitting information:
Expert craftsman have designed these boots to ensure a proper fit. Boots must be snug at the instep, so initially you may have difficulty getting your foot past the instep. If this occurs try these simple procedures:
Apply a light application of talcum powder to the inside of the boot.
As you slip on the boots, wiggle your toes and pull on the tops of the boots firmly.
It is normal to experience a slight heel slippage at first. It will disappear after the sole flexes a few times and your will then enjoy a snug, comfortable fit. You might notice you have little slip-in pop. This is normal in our boots, this is anti-lift for the heel to help give the boot a better fit.
For cleaning on the black motorcycle boot, I use Redman Lexol Leather Cleaner. Use an old wash cloth and keep it in a zip-lock bag so you can reuse it. Always use a liquid polish, never that stuff that comes in a can. If you need talcum powder use Gold Bond shoe powder in the gold can.