Highliner Stock Boots

Wesco 16″ Highliner Boot
$564.00 Retail $517.00 SALE PRICE
IN STOCK SIZES 8D – 11D including half sizes
12D and 13D
Made in the USA
Lace-to-toe design for full support
#100 Vibram non-oil resistant non-marking black Heavy Traction Sole and heels
7 oz full-grain black leather
Leather sidepatch
HEAVY steel shank for extra arch support and just enough deflection for comfort
Recessed metal heel breastplate (offers protection from climbing spurs)
Double-stitched soles
Sweat resistant full-leather insole
Removable false tongue
Leather 10 – 10-1/2 iron (.219″ thick) half-slip for added support in the arch
® RW9716100
Redwood leather
16″ height
#100 Vibram® sole

Wesco 10″ Highliner Boot
Retail: $531.00 Sale Price: $487.00
STYLE # 9710100
IN STOCK SIZES 8D – 11D including half sizes
12D and 13D
IN STOCK SIZE 8E – 11E including haft sizes
12E and 13E
Made in the USA
Lace-to-toe design for full support
#100 Vibram non-oil resistant non-marking black Heavy Traction Sole and heels
7 oz full-grain black leather
Leather sidepatch
HEAVY steel shank for extra arch support and just enough deflection for comfort
Recessed metal heel breastplate (offers protection from climbing spurs)
Double-stitched soles
Sweat resistant full-leather insole
Removable false tongue
Leather 10 – 10-1/2 iron (.219″ thick) half-slip for added support in the arch