Cloth Pants with Leather Seat

The Rhinebeck Jodhpur with cloth and leather

When it comes to comfort let us push things up a notch with our Rhinebeck cloth and leather jodhpurs. It’s not often you find the merging of functionality and comfort, but we did it here. A hundred percent pre-washed cotton with a soft leather saddle seat, or knee pad reinforcements, and you have the best of both worlds. Take your choice or do both. This reinforcement is the same as we use on our all fabric, custom made Rhinebeck Jodhpurs. Pick from either black or brown leather and the 10 oz. heavy cotton fabric and you will not make a bad decision. Many of the motor companies refer the these jodhpurs under many name like horse riding breeches and cavalry breeches, but their roots go back to the Indian wars’ cavalry in 1888 American. So boots and saddle troopers, let us mount up and turn gas into noise. If you want to blend in then ride to bus.