Boot Rebuilding

Well-worn Wescos* can be brought back to life for substantially less than a new pair, adding significant value to your boot investment. Once we receive the boots, we give them a thorough inspection and the process begins. We replace the heels, outsoles, midsoles, insoles, shanks, counters, vamps, laces, false tongues, and rotate the eyelets. Because the boots are re-lasted during the rebuild process, we can resize or make minor alterations to accommodate any changes in your feet.

* We only rebuild Wesco boots. Occasionally, we get a pair of boots that are simply past the point of rebuilding.

Rebuild limitations:

ASTM EH standards prohibit the rebuilding or repair of an Electrical Hazard boot. Therefore, to rebuild our VoltFoe boot, we must change the style to either a Highliner or Jobmaster. You may elect to have the boots rebuilt with or without a safety toe.

The JH Classics, Romeo and Robert William are limited to outsole/heel replacement only.

Weeks to completion: 
Approximately 5 weeks

Current rebuild prices: 
Download printable PDF

Send your boots to: 
West Coast Shoe Company 
Attn: Boot Rebuilding Division 
52828 NW Shoe Factory Lane 
PO Box 607 
Scappoose, OR 97056-0607

Direct Customers: 
Please enclose a letter with your name, address, phone number, email address (if you have one), and any additional instructions you may want us to follow.

Please include required rebuild information form with boots. Contact us for current price.

For further information: 
Toll Free 800-326-2711 ext. 207 (U.S. & Canada) 
503-543-7114 ext. 207 (Outside U.S. & Canada) 
Email: [email protected]